The Chair

Elaine Hamilton
2 min readAug 16, 2021

Mornings With Maddox (Story 2)

Photo by Author

Small, cozy spaces have always been a thing in my home; a place where one could curl up with a soft blanket and grab a favorite book, or plug in some headphones and listen to some lo-fi and just drift away. One of my favorite ways to create that ambiance is to add a big Papasan chair to a secluded corner of the room, add a faux fur throw, perhaps a pillow or two, a shaded tower lamp. The chair doesn’t have to be expensive, just something big enough to tuck into if one desires.

I think I have always had some sort of reading chair, be it just a folding one, or a fuzzy one, and always its companion, a soft throw, would be available in the corner in case one got chilly. Also, throughout the years, I have enjoyed the company of cats, so, of course, said cat would also decide to claim that chair as his or her throne. Such is the case with my most recent purchase, and I believe that I have actually sat in my chair a total of two times, otherwise, it is usually occupied by an emerald-eyed charmer who refuses to budge.

A much younger Maddox, enjoying a cozy nap (Photo by Author)

I have a hard time moving someone so sweet because he folds himself into a little smiling ball of fluff and I might as well put a “do not disturb” sign in the corner because it quite simply has been claimed as his chair. On occasion, a favorite toy also is brought up for his royal highness to cuddle with. One does not disturb the king while on his throne.

Do not disturb (Photo by Author)

All I can do is simply give him a soft kiss, listen to him purr, and walk away with a smile on my face too. He is quite the character.

Oh, to be the cat!

To be continued …



Elaine Hamilton

Author of Mornings With Maddox, and Catnaps, Catnip and Crunchies on Amazon, Contributing Fashion & Lifestyle Writer. Connect with me on Goodreads.